How long do I have to wait in line?
We have learned that timed ticketing makes for a more enjoyable experience. You must purchase a minimum of 2 tickets for a specific date and time.
Can my friends go with me?
Everyone in your group must have the same ticket time. So, if you want to come with friends, make one purchase. You can add up to 4 additional tickets at the ticket booth if someone wants to tag along at the last minute.
NEW!!! Will my group go alone?
Groups of 6 to 8 are the perfect number to get the best experience and keep up with the flow of guest. Ticket holders of less than 6 will be joined with other guest.
NEW!!! Can I bring my puppy/dog/cat/pet?
We strive to ensure a safe, fun and frightful experience. Please leave your pets a home. They will NOT be allowed to go through the trail.
Can I get a refund if I cannot make it?
No refunds or changes will be accommodated, therefore we suggest you purchase your ticket the week you plan to visit.
I got tickets for the wrong date...Can I just come anyway?
Sorry but NO! Many times especially the dates in October we are sold out. Be sure to check your tickets when you make your purchase.
I lost my cellphone/keys/iPod/etc. Can you help me find it?
Please make sure any items you bring with you are secure in your pockets at all times. We are often asked to find lost items and unfortunately we may not be able to look for lost items until at the end of the night when we can go through with a flashlight. If you might have dropped or lost an item during your visit, please let one of our staff know or email us with the details and we will let you know if it was found. We are not responsible for items that are damaged or are not found. Your safest option is to leave these items in your car.
How can I pay for tickets?
You can purchase tickets starting September 1, 2024. Check back to this website. Watch Facebook and Instagram for updates
Can I wear a mask or costume?
Costumes that conceal identity are prohibited. Face coverings that conceal identity are prohibited. (This policy does not apply to masks meant to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and other germs.) Absolutely NO props attached to costume or carried in hand.
Can I take pictures?
We do Not allow photos or videos on the Haunt trail, but in the barn and the courtyard take tons of photos and show your friends what they are missing!
Will the actors touch me?
No. The actors will not touch you. Any contact between our actors and you will be accidental and non-confrontational.
We ask that you do not touch our actors or props either.
Do we have to pay to park?
You will not have to pay to park. When you pull onto property you will be directed to park in the designated field by our parking staff. Please obey their directions and drive slowly!
What can't we bring?
In no particular order... DO NOT BRING Alcohol, drugs, weapons of any sort, flashlights, pets, costumes/masks
Do you serve alcoholic beverages?
No. There is no alcohol allowed, so please don't bring any of your own either.
How old does a child need to be and/or is okay for younger kids?
This is a scary event and your are paying us to scare and startle you. We DOT NOT recommend this for anyone under 13 years of age. Children 13 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult (Adult - Person age 18 or older)
How long does it take to walk the trail?
Plan on about 30 minutes...but some folks have a tendency to walk fast. Wonder why?
What happens if I break the rules?
All rules are strictly enforced for the safety of our guests and employees. Anyone violating the rules will be asked to leave the property with or without warning, and without refund. We will also refuse admission if you appear to be intoxicated or under the influence. We have members from the local sheriff's department on site if you would like to visit with them about our rules.
How can I get a job at Haunted Hollow?
Please go here. We are always looking for good help.
I want to do a story on your haunted trail, who do I talk to?
Call (612) 440-1962 or email info@hauntedhollowva.com
I have a question that wasn't answered here, who can I ask?
Call (612) 440-1962 or email info@hauntedhollowva.com
Group Rates?
No group rates, but their are discount coupons for the 1st weekend and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for popup discounts. Send an email to info@Hauntedhollowva.com for online coupons.
Will you be open if it has rained or what happens if inclement weather occurs while we are at Haunted Hollow?
Safety of our guests and actors is our main concern and we want everyone to have a great experience. Making the call to cancel is not an easy decision and we try to wait as long as possible just in case the conditions change. Check the website, Facebook or call. Remember it might be fine at Haunted Hollow and only raining on you!
Handicap accessible?
We have tried to make most of the trail accessible to manual wheelchairs with assistance. Call ahead to let us give you the details and help with your planning. We have tried to make it so everyone can have fun. But if you are on crutches, wearing a brace on your lower body, beware. It is an outdoor trail with rugged terrain.
We don't like saying NO, but we do for the following:
NO Refunds
NO Smoking on the trail
NO Lighters
NO Cellphone lights or camera use on the trail.
NO Strollers on the trail
NO Bad Language
NO Alcohol
NO Weapons
Last Updated September 11, 2024
The following are the terms of use ("Terms") that govern your use of Ja-Pal Ag Ed. Inc. sites and mobile applications—including without limitation www.mapletreefarmva.com, www.hauntedhollowva.com -(collectively, the "Site"), and your purchase, possession, or use of any Ja-Pal Ag Ed. Inc. tickets, products, and/or services.
We may make changes to the Terms at any time. Any changes we make will be effective immediately when we post a revised version of the Terms on the Site. The "Last Updated” date above will tell you when the Terms were last revised. By continuing to use this Site after that date, you agree to the changes.
To the extent that these Terms differ from a prior version of the Terms which you previously agreed to, this version of the Terms supersedes and governs.
ATTENTION - Under Virginia law, there is no liability for an injury to or death of a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. Inherent risks of agritourism activities include, among others, risks of injury inherent to land, equipment, and animals, as well as the potential for you to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death. You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity.
Your ticket is a revocable license and may be revoked and admission refused upon refund of purchase price. Holder of this ticket understands that there is inherent risk involved with attending a Ja-Pal Ag Ed. Inc event. Holder voluntarily assumes all risks and damages associated with participation in any Ja-Pal Ag Ed. Inc. produced event. In consideration and acceptance of entrance into Haunted Hollow holder agrees to release the operator, affiliates, officers, directors, and employees and property owner from any liability, harm, injury or death, cost or expense whatsoever that may arise directly or indirectly, from attending Haunted Hollow or any activity associated with this location.
By purchasing a ticket to attend an event (hosted, produced by Maple Tree Farm) you and any other ticket holders purchasing tickets via your account agree to this code of conduct, standards, rules, regulations, terms, and conditions. Failure to comply could result in management taking any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event [with no refund]. By purchasing a ticket to a particular event you understand that you may be photographed for media purposes.
You agree that we may contact you via email and /or text to update you on any closings, delays, or upcoming events. You may always opt out, however that is the only way we will have direct contact with you for your order.
Any and all changes to your order must be made prior to the event time of your order. We have a no refund policy.
IF we are closed for weather or any other circumstance then you will be refunded the full price of the ticket cost, minus the service charge. If we are open and you do not redeem your tickets for any reason, we will adhere to our no refund policy.